You have grown so much that I am going to put it in bullets:
*Says 50 words or more: snow, mama, up, dada, Zac, Grandpa, Mimi, Grandma, Tank U, bye-bye, TV, bath, Santa, ho-ho-ho, Church, fish, wow, dog, baby , no, yesh, yep, juice, milk, book, uh-oh, nigh-nigh, Lolo, toast, trash, socks, shoe, light, TaTa, please, more, ball.
*Signs the words: more, please, thank you, bite, all-done
*Makes animal sounds: horse, cow, duck. bear, monkey, dog, cat, rooster
*Understands positional words: up, down, open, close, shut, inside, outside
*Knows many body parts (has for several months): tongue, eyes, arm, fingers, feet, toes, leg, ears, nose, chin, mouth, teeth, head, hair, belly, butt, and knees!
*Knows the circle shape and says ball!
*Answers questions by saying Yesh, Yep or NO!
*Started potty training!!! (wakes up dry and pees on potty!)
*Brushes her teeth!
*Gives dogs treats and helps Mommy feed the dogs- knows the routine- but also loves to play in the dog dishes.
*Turns lights on and off by herself
*Opens fridge and gets her own sippy cup of milk out.
*Opens pantry door and gets her own fruit snacks.
*Helps Mommy do laundry
*Imitates Mommy vacuum the floors with her toy sweeper.
*Picks up her toys
*Puts trash in the trash can- especially her diapers.
*Gives sloppery kisses!
*Favorite show: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She loves her Minnie Mouse doll!
*Favorite book: B is for Bear
*Starting to like bath time
*Walks up the stairs and makes grunting sounds like an old person (imitates Great Grandma Richards)
*Great eater! Loves most vegetables, fruits, chicken, hotdogs, bread, noodles, and fruit snacks!
*Dances and Sings! BaBaBa…stomps feet and claps hands (If you're happy and you know it!). She also goes in circles and falls down to Ring around the Rosie.
*Follows two step directions (Put down the toy and sit in your chair…..Take your paci out and say____)
*She LOVES Uncle Zac!
*Imitates Mommy and "puts" make up on. Mommy puts lip gloss on her and she smacks her lips!
*Wears a size 4 diaper, but will transition to size 5 shortly.
*18-24 month clothes
*Size 4 shoe
*Hair- finally coming in! Back is corse and top is straight. Sometimes it curls up in back and then other days completely straight!
*12 teeth….soon to be 16 (Canines are starting to pop through)
*Bedtime routine: Warm milk in sippy cup, practices sitting on potty, bath, massage with lotion, helps brushing her hair and teeth, bed time story, rocked to sleep and sleeps in crib!!!!
I am sure there are more things to write……You simply amaze us!!!
Love MiMi
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