Dear Gracyn,

You are officially 2 months old today!!!!! Here are some of your unofficial stats..... We will know more when you go to the doctor next week for your next round of shots:
Approximately 12 lbs
Length - Guessing 23"
Size 2 diaper
3 month clothes
Size 1 shoe (Tiny feet!)
5 oz of expressed breast milk.
Still breast feeds every 3-4 hours during the day.
Coos and started drooling
Sleeps through the night!
You usually sleep 7 hours through the night, but recently you gave Mommy a much needed 10 hour stretch now that she is back to work!!!! You have recently started rubbing your eyes when you get tired at night....Tooooo cute!
You are mimicking our sounds with different coos and your smile lights up the world! You are also very aware of your surroundings, such as the bird mobile on your bouncy seat, the fan and the TV! You will stare, smile and coo at them! Sometimes you try to coo and nothing comes out....but I am guessing that by the time I post your 3 month update, you will be a chatter box!
Love you much, little smile box!
Grandma Dason
Sent from my iPad
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