You can view the slide show of the baby bump and ultrasounds pictures at the bottom of the blog.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


10 months of pictures already!!! Wow!  Today, Mommy and I went out to buy decorations for your 1st birthday party! You are going to have a Mickey/Minnie Mouse themed Party!  Knowing your Mommy, she will make it real special for you.  She is quite the talented person.  She is a baker and a decorator all wrapped into one!  Love you little one!


Sunday, July 21, 2013


*Holds phone to ear
*Says ouch and dog
*Please give to _____to Mommy, she gives it!
*Mommy says Night night and Gracyn will wave!
*Prefers baby bath and not tub will cry in tub!!
*Walks with push toy by herself!!!
*Will point to toes when asked!

Sent from my iPhone


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Dear Gracyn,

You are 10 months old already!!!! At your 9.5 month old doctor visit you were just weighing in a little over 17 lbs and 29 inches long! Now that you are mobile, you are not gaining as quickly as before. You are still a champion breast feeder as well as solid food, but the doctor wants you to feed more often. Just in these past two weeks you seem to be gaining again...our home weigh in showed you at 18 lbs. Fingers crossed you continue to gain weight appropriately. I personally am not worried, both your Mommy and Aunt were tiny babies and they turned out just fine!!! You are finally growing out of size 2 shoes and size 3 diapers (you are in the In between phase!). Some 9 month clothes fit, but I'd say most are 12 month sizes....depends on style and brand.

You are on the move! Crawling and pulling yourself up to things with one hand while holding toys in the other hand. You are cruising the furniture at a fast times I catch you standing next to something without holding on! You also mastered the stairs! Thank goodness for baby gates!

You are very verbal making all kinds of sounds. In addition to Mama and Baba, you started saying Dada around 9.5 months! And I swear you are saying yum when we feed you! You pat your belly and head when we ask..."Where's your...." You love to give open mouth kisses and smack your lips together. LOVE to wave hi and bye ! You also hold up one finger to show how old you will be on your birthday...TOOOO CUTE!  And....You started clapping your hands today!

You are addicted to your paci. Sometimes you have one in each hand and switch them out every few minutes! You snuggle with your lovey when you are tired. Speaking of sleep....these past few weeks have been very hard on you and your parents!!! You are cutting 4 upper teeth at once (total of 7 so far)...and you are not a happy camper! You cry and cry in your crib until Mommy and Daddy give in and get you. To get some sleep they actually moved your swing to their bedroom. YIKES.....Hopefully a phase and our good little sleeper returns once these teeth come in!

We love you with all our heart!
Love Mimi

Sent from my iPad

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013


This little cutie pie is saying Dada! She can also point to her head and hold up one finger for one year old (She is practicing for her birthday which is just around the corner!)

Monday, July 8, 2013


Little Miss Blue Eyes can point to her belly when asked.... she is also cruising the furniture now!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013



Little Miss Gracyn was a charmer today at the well baby checkup! She is meeting all of her milestones and the doctor is very pleased! She is just over 17 lbs. and 29" long....long and lean!  One area to keep an eye on is her weight, now that she is mobile, she needs more calories and a vitamin D supplement that is not found in breast milk. Hopefully an extra bottle of breast milk will do the trick during the day, while Mommy is at work. This means that Mommy has to start pumping again. Ugh!.... Of course Mommy doesn't mind....she will do anything for her sweet baby...even if it means lugging the breast pump to work everyday! I went with them today, and was very impressed that Gracyn didn't even cry when the lab tech pricked her finger.....she even loved the bandaid. :-)


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